
  • Developer

    The source is constantly evolving. In fact it just underwent a major architectural reconstruction to make it easier to understand and possible to support new hardware in the future. As such, documenting the source would perhaps require more work then actually writing the code. Especially in this type of project with new hardware and frequent changes as improvements are being done. And frankly, we aren't exactly overflowing with developers volunteering to spend their spare time making documentation (the boring bit you are forced to do as a commercial programmer).

  • Hi !

    I don't think the question is so pointless, and I'm not so happy with the answer.

    Let say that I want to use the code to branch-out and develop a new project. How can I catch-up with the huge amount of work already done ? Is there any documentation about the whole code ? (Not the user manual, of course....) I'd like to know the global architecture, purpose of the libraries (a list of them, maybe ?) documentation of these, etc...

    The question is : Is there any place where this is centralized ? Where should I begin ?

    Having an open-source project is amazing, but having the doc that makes it easy to use it is even more awesome :-).

    Thanks in advance, and sorry if there is an obvious answer to this.


  • It's open source.  UTFSE (use the search engine).

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