The throttle on my pixhawk 2.4.8 does not work

Hello, I recently had a problem with a pixhawk 2.4.8 board, and all channels work, except channel 3 of the throttle, I have already tried several things and even then it does not work, try to go back to a previous firmware version and I do not work either, I do not have anything connected to the pixhawk, only one servomotor and the receiver, when I place the servomotor in any other channel, this one responds to the movement of other levers from the radio control, but when I place it in channel 3 of the throttle , this does not move, it does not respond, even when I raise and lower the throttle lever on the radio, I have tried to connect the servo motor directly to channel 3 of the receiver and if it moves when I raise and lower the throttle lever, it seems that the problem is in the pixhawk, now I am using the latest version of ArduPlane 3.8.5, but it seems that my problem continues, when I go to the "Radio calibration" section, I see that if it detects the movement of the thottle when I move the lever of the radio, which is normal, but when I go to "servo output", and move the throttle lever, none of the bars moves, the bar of channel 3 remains static at 1100. Could someone help me?, I've been 3 months with this problem without giving any solution.



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