In MP 1.2.73, Initial Setup > Mandatory Hardware > Compass,

The guide text beside the declination textbox says:

"in Degrees eg 2 degrees 3 minutes W is -2.3"

There are many signs that this is a typo.

Suppose you try to enter the following two cases:

Case A: 0 deg 3 minutes E. So I am supposed to enter 0.3 ?

Case B: 0 deg 30 minutes E. So I am supposed to enter 0.30 ?

In both the above cases, if after inputting, you click away to the next page say "Accel Calibration" and then click back to "Compass", you'll see that the value has been saved to 0.305. In both cases.

Further more, if you check the COMPASS_DEC parameter, you'll see it's 0.005 radians, which is equal to 17 arcminutes!

And it is also equal to 0.286 degrees.

So if the COMPASS_DEC is value is correctly treated as radians, then the declination input box appears to be accepting input simply in decimal degrees.

i.e. the guide text should instead say:

"in Degrees eg 2 degrees 3 minutes W is -2.05"

I can only guess that this bug is being ignored because it only causes errors that are smaller than one degree, and that's good enough for our purposes?

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  • Developer

    looks like there is a problem. I will fix to work as originaly intended.


    basicly everything infront of the. or , is degrees. everything after the . or , is minutes.


    2.3 = 2 deg 3 min = 2.05

    2.30 = 2 deg 30 mins = 2.5


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