URGENT!! Project with ARDUIMU V3!

Hi everybody,

I'm a newby working with Arduimu v3 and I'm working in a project that only needs the ROLL data from ARDUIMU v3 and then I use the ROLL angle data to send it to a servo.

The problem is that when the ARDUIMU v3 is completly horizontal I get ROLL 0 degrees, this is OK.

However when I shake slightly the board but always horizontally I get ROLL values different than 0. I can understand a variation near 0 but when I push or shake the board horizontally I get 45º 30º 70º..... depending on the movement.

I'm just trying to upload code releases but the problem is the same. Sincerely I tried to load the last release of ARDUIMU 1.9.8 but I can't do it becaus an error appears.  :-((((

Can anyone help me!!! I'm pretty sure this bug is already solved by all of you that you are experts!!!

Can anyone sen me a valid firmware??? I'm using Arduino 0.23 (.pde files)

My email is: rubentxo(at)msn.com

PLEASE! It's very important 


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