Using sensors from EagleTree/eLogger (datalogger/OSD Pro)

Hello,First topic with probably noob questions...I think Im going to buy the "eLogger V3" datalogger: ( with altimeter micro sensor, airspeed micro sensor, gps module, "FMA Direct™ CPD-4™ X/Y horizon sensor" and OSD Pro.Is it possible to "share" the readings of this sensors so I dont have to buy all the sensors twice (one pair for osd, one pair for ardupilot)Is it anyway possible to use sensors from the eagletree system for the ardupilot system(I have programming experience in php, pascal and a little bit in java...)

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  • After reading this I was curious if there was anyway of using the EagleTree OSD Pro in line with the Pixhawk instead of using the MinimOSD? Just curious? 

  • I have an Eagletree system too!! Would love to use the same sensors!!
  • Developer
    It is possible but.... EagleTree loggers internal data is encoded with proprietary format. Also this is a closed system no source code to work with.
    They may build a new ascii_data_out function to send data to xBee 900 Pro but, not yet.. also they use a I2C message system, You will need to add it to current ArduPilot (pretty hard to do, requires hardware hack to reroute ADC pins 4 & 5 for I2C and then recode system) I2C will be standard with new ArduMega autopilot.
    They have a good OSD but I think it would be better to use Rembzi OSD as it now works with current ArduPilot
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