
  • @ Steven

    One possible cause:

    Since the logging already is running when you switch from USB to battery supply, you´ll get this Warning message, if you are not re-powering inbetween..

    The Log and the analysis simply are indicating the difference between USB voltage (maybe just 4V) and 5.3V of the PM.

  • I am also getting that same error, did you solve the problem?

    All I need to do is buy another power module, or should I be investigating further, I am newbie..

    According to my logs my Vcc averages about 4.6v but fluctuates between 4.7 and 4.4, most logs are complaining that I am below the minium of 4.6v

    However I only experienced a loss of power once before today, flown about 5 times.

    However today, it was behaving strangely, appeared to lose power and drop out of the sky for a second but then came back to life and recovered itself , this happened a few times before I got it landed.

    I then unplugged my teensy and tried again thinking maybe that was using some of the power, but it did not improve, and actually seemed worse, as I tried to take off  in loiter mode the props did not increase in speed until all of a suddenly it went up dramatically. Then when I tried to bring it down it did come down but near the ground the props remained spinning quite fast even with throttle down, and took a lot longer than normal to disarm..

    Its a tricopter, APM 2.6 , Neo-6m GPS + power module, also powering x8r and a teensy3.1

    whoops sry I just realised this is in the pixhawk section, I had just been searching for this Vcc error and this post came up.

  • Your +5v supply is bad, very bad. Check wires and or replace it to get a stable supply.

    • I am using the 3dr power module, is that the +5v supply? I also, have a couple of NiMh batteries plugged into the servo rail.

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