What happen to level calibration after flight ?

After more than 1 year of using my APM 2.0, I can not find the reason that  makes the APM far away from level calibration  I always check level calibration before every flight using MP HUD  I also avoid to power on my board when it is out of level, I think i loose level calibration during flight. Can anyone help me how to avoid that?

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  • It is called Auto Trim...

    Is is possible you are entering that mode?


  • Hello!

    Have you upgraded/changed the Aducopter program?

    If so, recalibrations are required with each firmware change.

    Arduplane requires that the aircraft be still (no movement) as possible on power up to calibrate the accelerometers (which are used to determine 'level'). Stored level values are simply the x,y,z accellerometer values when the APM/airframe is level.

    Are the stored values changing between flights?

    Another possibility is you are in 'auto-cal' mode by holding the 'Arm' sequence longer than normal. I read this previously and will try to find the link (it may not be a feature of the current AC code). If in this mode, the aircraft should be held as stationary in flight as possible to allow a 'Stabilized' calibration. That might be changing values.


  • Nobody can help me.

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