I'm looking for a small/micro quadcopter design that has potential to have its wires and soldered connections replaced with fully 3D printed circuits and power traces.
I got the original design from here: http://multirotorpilotmag.com/fpvquad/. I did not like the original design because it is too weak, and flimsy, easy to bend. I wante
I just upgraded my printer to a dual extruder, with the ultimate goal of printing vibration-isolating mounts with a combination of ABS and ninjaflex. Apparently ninjaflex adheres to ABS well. The photo above is my first dual extruder project -- it
Allot of people have been using, and writing sotware for the xbox 360 kinect, because after all it has a 3d camera array, and a USB connector. you can get one on ebay for $30 or so used....and the power adapter for 5.99. I did a search first for abox
Hey guys. I'm really new to this whole 3D printer thing, however I'm interested in buying one actually. After searching around for models, types etc, there was one in particular that cought my eye, which i found here:
Here is some recent footage from my printed brushless gimbal edited together with the rest of the footage from the "adventure". All in all I am very happy with how everything is working. It has been a long jou
Some other "Shapeways" orders displayed in this forum inspired me to design some of my own stuff. This Mount Tray was designed primarily to give me an idea of the quality from shapeway's printers and get an idea of the material properties. I have not