Does anyone know what the source of the 'North of 60 N Latitude' dataset is? Specifically I am looking for information on: who created the dataset; where I can access it outside of UGCS; where I can get the complete metadata file for it.
This Thursday (tomorrow) we will host a webinar where our R&D director Alexey Y. will give you some insight on working with UgCS SDK and developing drone integration with external systems.
Hi, with the last version 3.6 and DJI M600 i had two crashes last week.
I used UGCS since two years and no problem before, but last week crashed 2 different M600 when lost signal become into RTH but at the same altitude and then crash.
I've set up UgCS missions with an Inspire 1 to continue the mission when it loses RC. In some instances, the Inspire is continuing as planned. In others, however, it seems to continue for a bit, but it then does an RTH. I've checked the fenc
I've been flying with Mission Planner and 3DR Solo, but have also started working with UgCS and DJI Inspire now. I'm used to putting an RTH at the end of missions in MP... but I don't see any way to add an RTH command to a mission in UgCS.
I can't get either to work. I am setting up a mission that has one waypoint, then a photogrammetry segment, and then a waypoint to get me home. I set a camera action for Camera by Time. All waypoints and the photogrammetry section are set to Stop and
I have been using the facade scan to to map rock outcrops but I find that the landscapes I map are too steep for the photogrammetry tool and too angled for facade scan. Vertical outcrops are easy to scan (now) but outcrops tilted more than a few degr
Hi, My missions are designed for 50m AGL, but when I upload the mission the UAV is reprojected in a point higher than the ground altitude, so the AGL not correspond zero(0m) at the take-off moment (with UAV in the ground) and the UAV flights below 50
what's the easiest way to plan a vertical orbit scan of a wind turbine?
We need to build a 3D model of a turbine for study purposes, we are aware of the orbit mode, but we cannot find an easy way to extend the photogrammetry vertically to cover
The Zoom control doesn't seem to make the camera zoom in or out. We've had to manually set it before a route. Is there something I'm missing? Is the Z30 a supported camera? If not, is there a list of supported cameras? If so, what are expected valu
I see the Parrot AR drone as an option in the Profile page of UGCS, but I'm not sure if this is what the Anafi is running or not. If it is, how do I connect the laptop to the Anafi so that UGCS can see it? I've connected the laptop to the Anafi's w
We just bought UgCS and I have a Galaxy Tab A6. It seems with DJI Go's latest version this tablet cannot handle the camera feed. Which I think is the reason we are not getting a camera feed in UgCS.
I am a new user to UgCS. I really need to be able to do a corridor scan where I define a path (like a power line or a pipeline or a railroad line) and have the flight paths created automatically based on my camera parameters/GSD. QGroundControl has t
I've been able to set one of the waypoints as the 'start point', will that make the return to home point also? If not, how do I make the start point the return point? The route became numbered in a way that the 1st waypoint is in the middle of the