Ihab Ali's Discussions (13)

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Test flight with 2.2b6: some issues

Hello APM community!

Got to compiling and testing 2.2b6 today on my quadcopter(custom frame, KDA 1075Kv, 8" props) and while the test was overall successful(and I have been getting very good results since the 2.1 code) I want to start perfecting the t

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Where is the D term for NAV_LOITER?

So I finally worked up some courage to go outside in 120F heat and test my loiter and RTL modes since I was so impressed with the stability of the 2.45 code...it really is a much bigger improvement over 2.44 at least for my frame. Thanks Jason!

It was

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Radio Trims Behavior

Sorry for the posting this again here but does anyone know if radio trims are taken as the "centers' when entering into auto-pilot modes(Auto, RTL, Loiter)? I've been testing my quad for a past couple of days with and without trims, entering into eit

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Flash Demo for new control rules


Does anybody know where I can find flash demos for the new P->Prate control rules? I managed to get my PIDs very well setup but I would like to continue to experiment and would like to understand the new control rules better....to afraid to mes

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Arducopter 2.42: Can it handle radio Trims?


I know that this topic has been probably covered in other posts, but now that I'm flying Arducopter comfortably(from a stability perspective)I’m trying to understand why radio trims are ‘bad’. The reason I say that is that although the auto-trim fea

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Prop Optimization

<ow that my custom built arducopter based quad is flying and behaving as expected, i'm wondering if i can improve flight times by optimizing the prop diameter/pitch. I have relatively high Kv motors(1300Kv) on a custom built alumnium and fiberglass r

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Throttle output in auto modes

Hello APM community!


First time user of the APM software, been using the AC2 code for a while now and I decided to try something new :)


I've setup my APM with the latest code through mission planner and I'm tyring to do some ground tests before flyin

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PID fields for AC2 greyd-out

I posted this on the AC2 forum but seems I'm the only one having this issue because noone responded. Any one using MP(I just downloaded build 1.016) and has the AC2 PID fields greyd out?



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Loiter not working



I finally assembled my second Gaui 330xs with APM and GPS(I broke the GPS on the first one without getting a chance to test it :( ), and I'm having issues with the loiter flight mode. The 330 flies pretty stable in STABLIZE mode except for the

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Just bought my APM week ago and loaded the latest arducopter2 firmware. I was just wondering if someone could explain to me the RTL flight mode, how does APM determine the home location?is it the one stored through the mission planner? The Ardu

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