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UAV Challenge - Medical Express 2018

Sponsors and Organisers

Here we go again!

Same place, same time in 2018, and mostly the same rules!

The main differences to last years event are:

  • 3 separate prizes depending on level of achievement
    • $25,000 for completing the mission with the highest points 
    • $25,000 for using type 2 autonomy (now being redefined as "no controller/user interference, but with constant comms link to controller)
    •  $25,000 to avoid Dynamic No Fly Zones (details yet to be disclosed)
  • Manual hand launches are no longer considered autonomous (excluding them from getting type 2 prize)
  • Layout of course is different, with only the first two waypoints needing to be completed in order and the inclusion of no fly zones


Still the same:

  • Range and VTOL required to pickup the blood sample from the remote landing site
  • Aircraft size allowances, propulsion etc
  • Geofence requirements (addition of no fly zones)
  • Comms required when retrieval aircraft is on the ground at remote landing site (ADS-B transponders might be introduced) 

Overall it seems like the biggest change in comparison to the last one in 2016 is the emphasis on, and the extra prizes for automation. The aircraft platforms are the same, so our last one should work fine.

Time to start building...or should I say coding? :-) 

Link to OBC site: https://uavchallenge.org/medical-express/

Link to rules: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5JgqjkRDqw8SHkyUUU1NDZTaDQ/view

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The UAV Challenge Medical Express rules have been released.

The Mission for 2016:

"Outback Joe is at his property in remote Queensland, Australia and has been feeling unwell. He has had a remote consultation with his doctor using video conferencing, and his doctor has requested some blood tests be done as soon as possible. Joe is well prepared, has a home sample taking kit, and has taken his blood sample. The challenge is now to get the blood sample to the lab. Joe’s property is very remote and to make matters worse, it has been cut off by floodwaters.

Teams are invited to attempt to retrieve a blood sample from the remote Outback Joe and return it to base where medical staff will be waiting to analyse it. Teams must deploy unmanned aircraft to Joe’s location, and then return a sample bottle from him utilising a remote landing and takeoff site close to him. They must complete all of this within one hour."

Documentation can be found here:

Rules PDF here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5JgqjkRDqw8dTllN085ZTJyNjQ/edit

Site: http://uavchallenge.org/medical-express/

Challenge FAQ: http://uavchallenge.org/medical-express/medical-express-faq/

Brief overview of the 2016 OBC rules:

  1. Two aircraft are allowed that can detach/reattach to eachother > one as retrieval aircraft and one for support > both can be airborne at the same time
  2. Range required +40km but no more than 60km through "bent" geofenced transit corridor - waypoints will likely backtrack to get the total distance, but will be at least 250m apart. (see FAQ)
  3. Flight must not take longer than one hour so the airframe must be able to achieve roughly 90-100kmh average, as well as be VTOL or STOL (!)
  4. The RF Link range required is approximately 10km (3-4G Mobile and Satellite comms allowed - safety case req. for landing zone etc)
  5. 1500ft AGL altitude restriction
  6. 25knot average wind over 10 minutes will cancel the event (which is higher than last time)
  7. Joe GPS coordinates that are provided are within 100m of Joe. One must locate him and land no closer than 30m, but no further away from Joe than 80m - distance away is scored at 2 points per meter - Joe has lost his colorful shirt but kept his jean pants on - phew!
  8. payload to be picked up is 20x100mm and no more than 100g and must be returned intact back to base.
  9. aircraft must remain motionless for 1 minute after landing near Joe before Joe will approach to place payload - Takeoff Arm switch is required by Joe at pickup location with one minute takeoff delay after activation
  10. Biggest points are for delivering intact sample back to base
  11. Only the top 20 ranking teams through D1-D3 will get to go (based on paperwork, flight logs and videos) - That will be tough
  12. Might not be at Kingaroy this time...

No specifics are given to the makeup of the Joe takeoff landing site or base site, apart from that it will "impede low glideslope landings". So this could allow something like a Skywalker X8 with a quadcopter strapped underneath to launch and fly to location, identify and locate Joe exactly, then detach the quad for payload retrieval, while the X8 stays above the landing zone as RF relay until quad is released to takeoff, then both can head back with the X8 arriving first and possibly landing with a parachute and then the quad with payload some minutes later. A single VTOL might be nice but you'd have to land/takeoff blind without RF link. Helicopters welcome.

Shouldn't be too hard.... I think I have the gear for that here already. Time to dig out old Tinker Bell and send her back to get Joe! ;-)

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