Setting up my jdrones hex copter and the motors on number 7 and 8 channel make a constant beeping at 4 beeps per second. The ECS guide advises throttle is not in lowest position even though it was. I then put throttle in top position and plugged the
I'm having trouble powering off the motors after landing. I tried to disarm by holding the stick to the left, but nothing happens until I disconnect the battery. I know its not the RC transmitter signal, because in play back on MP I can see the thro
My new APM was working ok, then i soldered on the magnotrometer and since then nothing is working. No led's not detection by the computer or software. Any idea what has happened and how to fix it? I tried reset, but still nothing. I even took of the
How can I set up the mission planner to work with X8 coaxial quad copter when this is not an option for frame configuration? Any other compatible GCS software that will work?