Well I feel better now. I'm always a little nervous to fly a new ship until the first crash. You never know how she'll deal with adversity.
I was flying FPV in loiter at ~15m when it suddenly pulled hard right and back making a nice arc into the ground at about 20kph according to the telemetry log. The current jumped from the ~30A normal to over 60A in the few seconds of the death plunge. When I got there the motors were spinning and wouldn't react to transmitter commands including disarm. All the props were broken of course.
Looked through the logs a bit, but I can't tell what happened. If anybody cares to take a glance and give me some insight, I would be very grateful. I don't mind when things go terrible if I can at least understand why it happened.
The damage seems to be limited to a couple of cracked arms and a few other frame bits. The GoPro was fine thanks to the waterproof housing. Not even a broken antenna on the 3dr radio or video Tx! I'm taking it all apart tonight and checking the electronics, they got covered in snow, but no physical damage that I can see so far. I'll upload some pics once Iphoto stops crashing every time I try to get them off my camera. There must be weird solar weather or something going on today, I've never had a problem getting pics off of my camera before, really strange...
I'll have to upload my tlogs from the windows machine, just a minute.
: )