Lockhart's Discussions (6)

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RTL Default Throttle Setting?

Is the throttle controlled by the APM during RTL? During RTL due to failsafe? I ask because I've searched in the documentation, and I can't find an answer for this.

Because a RTL due to failsafe implies that the receiver is sending a throttle command

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Wind Contingent Auto Land?

This is a feature I have been considering implementing. However, I am not overly familiar with planning missions. Perhaps there is an obvious workaround that I do not see?

How does everyone handle wind during auto landings? You could plan the landing

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X8 Thust Angle?

Hi all,


I have reworked the motor mount on my X8 by adding vibration damping and an extra wooden plate on the inside of the styrofoam firewall for robustness.

After doing all this, I noticed that the thrust line of the motor is pointing down (the forw

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Accuracy of XPlane HIL Simulation?

Hi all,

I am in the middle of implementing APM into my X8 wing platform. As a final checkout, I would like to do HIL simulation with XPlane. My purpose of using APM is to eventually modify the code, and HIL simulation in this context is important.

My q

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