Maksim Cherviakov's Posts (1)

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It’s been almost a year since being stuck on a remote Fiji island, due last year local COVID travel restrictions. The island that split in half by the international date line.

The restrictions have been lifted, but I am still there, mapping parts of the island.

I use Open Drone Map open source project to process my mapping.

At some point I got a number of maps, but not many easy, fast and simple options to share them with my clients or with whoever else I needed to share them. Share with those, who does not have GIS background, tools and knoledge to open geoTIFF files. I also needed to conveniently store and archive some of my maps online where they could be easily uploaded through slow internet line, accessed, shared, done some simple operations on them like area and distance measurements etc.

So my brother and I both software developers and myself with some drone and mapping background started this pet project.

It took some time to figure out and put some complex things and logic to work together. Like Geoserver for example. Some modules from our previous projects, some Golang and JS programming time, to make it all work under the hood. It still in development and might have issues, I am currently working on improving the user interface, while my brother takes on complex backend challenges, nevertheless I already find it pretty handy to use it for sharing my own maps. In case someone wants to try it too and give some feedback, feel free follow the link bellow.

It might not work in Safari browser though as we’re not fortunate Apple device owners, so it's never been tested there. In case someone tries it in Safari and it does not work, let me know :slight_smile: we will try to do something about it but Chrome is the browser for now.

So what MapHub can do for now.

  • You can upload your processed geoTIFF images in different ways, By uploadig in your browser directly or by feeding it with Mega or Google Drive cloud storage links so you files will be pulled and adopted in the background.
  • It might take some time to process the images depending on their size, but at a result you should see them projected on the world map. With either OSM or MapBox satellite background.
  • There are some vector tools on the right that can be applied over your map for some marking or measuring purposes, they are still under development but work in general
  • It's handy collaborating. So I can put some mark over my geoTIFF map and someone else can see them and add theirs.
  • You can share your maps with others, making them public or private with permission to access them for specific people only
  • Make your maps “read only” or allow people to put vectors over them for some collaboration work
  • Share specific extent of the map in full access or “observer” mode
  • Allow to download the file for your client or just view it

In order to upload maps and do stuff you will need to sign in. Sign up / Sign is currently possible through Google account only.

Feel free to share your feedback and features ideas if you tried it, found it useful for yourself and thought of some extra features that would be good to have there.

Bellow there is a link zoomed to Fiji where I display some of my maps for demonstration purpose, but feel free to zoom to your area and upload and share your stuff.

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