Urkadurka's Discussions (8)

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Min / Max travel collective cyclic servos

Hello, a friend of mine strated to understand a try to use ARDUCOPTER for traditional Helicopter.

He explain that it isn't possible to change the MAX value for servo TRAVEL for Collective and Cyclic.

I attach the pictures

first : the start value for MAX

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APM under Windows8 or Windows 7

Hello, I installed APM, latest version at December the 28th, on my lap top running Win8 Pro (64Bit).

I Experience these issue

1. The COMM ports list is built very very slowly (more than 10sec)

2. I cannot chose the COMM port

Both happen if the connection

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YAW control during mission

Hello, is it possible to preset the YAW angle during a mission ?

For example it is possibile to set the behavior of the YAW during the mission i.e. point to next waypoint, yaw point toGPS course, ... but it isn't clear if is it possible to fix a YAW a

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Arducopter 3.0.1, Loiter and Gimbal issue

Hello, I using a DJI450 frame (with KEDA motor 900 Kv and 10x4.7APC propeller) and under it  I installed a gimbal for a GOPRO, this gimbal is small but has own weight.

Before to use the gimbal I upgraded the firmware to 3.0.1 and all was really ok, lo

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APM2.5 Setup issue with GPS.

Hello, I started today with Arducopter using the APM2.5 and the GPS UBLOX by Crius, before I used Multiwii the ArtuPiratesNG.

The APLM 2.5 power supply is from PWM input, I using the power supply from my receiver, it is preset in PPM mode (FrSky FASST

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