Zak's Posts (1)

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An Alternative Platform...

Hi Everyone,

I got interested in aviation via this website, and I'm thinking of becoming a pilot myself in an ultralight of some sort. I was intrigued by powered parachutes. Basically, you have a fan, a parachute (similar to para-gliders) and shift weight around to steer. You go at a nearly constant speed of 25 mph. Because the structure is stable, it's very hard to crash. Even if the engine were to die, you have a 7:1 glide ratio to get somewhere safe. A company has a design which you can purchase one for a reasonably expensive amount ( $3k + ), but their might be models available for a cheaper amount at hobby stores. (I just don't know.) Here's a link to their website: . The major limiting factor is the wind. Basically, if the winds get above 10mph, it's best not to fly (though flight is technically possible). See also:

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