LINUX BeagleBone ArduPilot DIY Cape

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Hardware / Software: BBBMINI


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  • @Mirko

    Ah, so the image has been updated too (I should have noticed), I was using one from a week or so back, that explains it.  I got confused which sd card I was using and overwrote the previous weeks work.  Since I'm starting from scratch again I'll download the new image and try again.

    I'll throw it on the scope, so if it is 3.3V then I just do as the says (bridge R4 and leave R5 alone).

    No probs, I found out after I cut the header pins.  Was funny as I tried to fit it at first and double checked the listing.  Was easily fixed and I'll use the 2 pin ones somewhere in the future.



    App Showcase
  • @Chris

    Fixed P7 and P10, thanks.

    I don't know the R815X, maybe you can measurer the voltage with a scope.

    If you use the Image from the additional repos are not necessary . Make sure you execute sudo apt-get update before try try to install the Kernel.

    App Showcase
  • Hi,

    Next question, do I need to add an additional repos for the latest BBBMini

    Just that on step 11, apt-get cant seem to locate the RT kernel....

    Also on step 13 it cant locate ti-pru-cgt-installer

    Are you able to advise which repo's I should add.



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  • Hi,

    This is for anyone who has assembled one of these or Mirko, I'm in the middle of doing one up.

    For the resisters on the RCIN line, in the spec document it puts the 2k and 1k to drop the 5V to 3.3V. If I'm using an orangeRX R815X, I believe the signal is already 3.3V so do I just bridge R4 with some solder or wire, this info came from:

    Also I believe P7 and P10 should be 1 x 5 header row.

  • Thanks Mirko,

    Will have a look at your Device Tree definitions.

  • @Victor

    It is not possible to use the BBBMINI Debian Image with the PXF because there are some difference, i.e. the SPI interface of the BBBMINI use Kernel CS lines, PXF use custom CS lines. So it is necessary to modify the Device Tree if you want to use the BBBMINI Debian Image with a PXF.

  • why switching the forum?

    redhut spend a large amount of money to get preempt_rt running.


    a simple test from your side shows the opposite.

    to me a surprise.

    and pls. show the command line for the cyclictest.

    Latency plot of system in rack #7, slot #6: OSADL - Open Source Automation Development Lab eG
    OSADL promotes and supports the use of Open Source software in the automation and machine industry.
  • I'm happy discussing this matter but let's bring it out of this group dedicated to BBBMini. Can you explain your reasoning at


  • hmm, questionalble.

    how many test cycles where used to 'verify' the latency?

    we always use the PREEMPT option for the vanilla kernel.

    but from what i read  i assume you are wrong when looking at the latency.

  • @Robert,

    All our kernels include preemptible capabilities and we've tested/compared PREEMPT vs PREEMPT_RT several times. For now we are releasing kernels with the PREEMPT option since our tests keep actually showing that they outperform PREEMPT_RT patches. Refer to for a more detailed description.

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Build drone BBBmini

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Get 'SIGBUS error' when I run the program

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