ArduBlimp B4.3.1 appears DEAD

Both of our attempts to download the default code to the control board have resulted in a board that no longer appears to operate correctly. When powered on the LED in the corner (near the empty socket) comes on red. What error does the LED signify and how can we bring these back to life? Any help would be greatly appreciated.For the record we are and where using an AVR atavrisp Mk II and AVR studioThanks for your time,Daniel Karol,WPI Blimp Team

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  • 3D Robotics
    Actually you shouldn't need an AVRISPII or AVR Studio at all. The Arduino bootloader is loaded and all code should be uploaded with the FTDI cable with the Arduino IDE.
  • Both boards are in the same non-functional state

    Two different people attempted the downloading procedure posted on this web sight and ended up with the same results
  • 3D Robotics
    I sent you two boards. How's the other one doing?
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