Hi guys,

I'm usually pretty patient but this is going on ridiculous. How on earth does anyone get hold of 3DR customer support besides trying to contact someone in upper management like Mr Tran or the CEO himself?

I don't live in the USA and I've been trying to call over the past 2 days to no avail. Is the phone line even connected? Even if I do eventually get through it gets cut off after a few rings. I wouldn't be so annoyed if it was a local call for me but calling international is a different story.

All I am trying to do is check on the status of my order which has been on backorder (even after I double checked that all the items I needed were in stock before purchasing as I needed them fairly quickly) as well as requesting for a few items be added to my exisitng order since it doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon.

Really wish I didn't have to resort to posting this in order to get someones attention but no replies from support and a phone line that doesn't work half the time is far from the world class support that is advertised on the support page.

Hope someone from 3DR can contact me here to get things sorted out. Thanks in advance.


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    • Vu, I just sent you an email , sorry, but I had to try to get some help this way :)

  • 3DR just plain does not care.  They have had order fulfillment and organizational problems for more than 2 years.

    Its not rocket science to run an online store and if they had any intention of fixing it they would have. As much as I like the community, the business that created the community is rotten at its core.  

    I've had an order issue for going on 3 weeks and I've gotten run around and around about refunds and order cancellations and if you call they say sorry you submitted a e-mail support request on this issue I can't help you, and if you submit an email support request you get ZERO response.  Support can't possibly be as bad as it is unless it a willful choice.

    Another example of create buzz raise $ take the $ and run, with zero intent to make a viable business.

    • 3D Robotics

      Hi Paul,

      I'm sorry about the run around you've been getting.  There's really no excuse for the terrible experience you've had.  I can say that we had a new order fulfillment system implementation go awry, or that our call center was part of the multi-state internet outage in Mexico, or several other things, but it doesn't make up for the fact that you had a dependency on our products for a job and we weren't there.  For that I'm truly sorry.

      You've been a long time customer and you've seen us go through growing pain and have slugged it out with us.  Please check your email, it's not much but it's the least we could do.  Thank you for all your business in the past and I hope that you'll give us a chance in the future.  If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask.

  • Hi guys,

    Sorry it's taken me a while to reply. For those of you that still haven't heard back from customer support, I suggest you contact Mr Vu Tran at vu@3dr.com so he can chase up your orders for you as help@3dr.com seems to be useless at the moment. You can also refer to Steve P's posts for more info as he too had problems which seems to be resolved now.

    Just an update of what has been going on this past week with my order:

    I finally got a reply the day after I posted the original message and thought everything was all sorted but the person from CS replying to my email didn't even answer my queries which got me even more frustrated. I had a browse in this section of the forums and found Mr Vu Tran's email address so I went ahead and sent him an email explaining my situation.

    I got a reply within a few hours which was great and an apology about the delays due to their inventory scrubbing that's been ongoing and to ensure me that they will get my order sorted. Since my items were "backordered", I wanted to add an item to my order and explained that I've been trying to call them to no avail so I gave them my phone number so they could call me and within a few minutes, I got a phone call from Jay at 3DR which added my item to my order without any problems. Thanks Jay.

    Although I or anyone else shouldn't have had to go through the hassle of ranting about this, I am happy of how Mr Vu Tran and his team have rectified my issues and they assured my my order would ship out this week.

    I will update this post once my items have shipped and hope everyone else that has been having troubles get their's orders sorted out soon :)



  • Seems like 3DR has an issue here and it is not isolated one. I think you did the right thing to post here because it will get the attention of someone that can get things moving. I really do not understand why this cannot reliably be done via email or web chat. I have, for example, had no issue getting orders cancelled from Banggood and Hobbyking via email and webchat. Phone support seems to be a last resort to me.

  • I had troubles navigating this forums and found your post too late. I started a post to report similar issues with my order. At this time I am considering cancelling my order and/or contacting my credit card company to open a claim.

    Do you know what options are available for 3DR customers to cancel their orders?



  • For what it's worth:

    I have the same problem , an order placed weeks ago, goes nowhere.

    My company needs pixhawks - I have been a loyal customer all  the time, perferring 3DR, but this is not a way to do business.

This reply was deleted.


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