Adding NovAtel OEM6 Support

First, hello!

I'm an engineer with years of experience in C++ on Linux and Windows platforms.  My primary field is high-accuracy GPS.  I'm investigating the feasibility of ardupilot for a future project and want to implement support for a DGPS-capable receiver, specifically the NovAtel OEM615.

I'm new to the arduino/ardupilot world, so I thought I'd start by asking some questions here.  If I'm in the wrong place, feel free to let me know.  I'm looking for general ardupilot dev tips and specifics for GPS implementations.

Specifically, if I write a NovAtel driver, does the underlying GPS libraries support DGPS precisions (RK2/RK20)?  i.e. do I have to extensively modify anything other than my specific NovAtel implementation?  To give an example, the GPGGARTK message looks like a standard NMEA message, but with a lot more precision:


with 5106.9791988 being your Lat and 11402.3002127 being your Long.

Ultimately, I'm interested in ArduCopter, but my testbed will be APMrover2. 

Any help will be much appreciated!

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  • any news?

  • Just wondering what the the approx. cost of the oem 615 card is?

  • Hi John,

    Have you made any progress with this? I am trying a similar thing but with the OEMV-1G from NovAtel.Will start as soon as my GPS arrives. Will also share my progress.

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