ALT HOLD issue, the quad start to raise quickly

Hello, during a test with Arducopter and latest firmware version the quad started to gain altitude in a uncontrolled way, so I noted that the GPS was not fixed during this starnge behavior, the I disegnaged ALT HOLD recovering the fligth capability

So I wait for the fix then I tried again , ALT HOLD worked very fine any type of problem.

Then next day I redo the same tests and I paid attention to verify that the  GPS was not Fixed, the result was the same : unexpected and quick altitude gain.

Obviously the throttle stick was at the middle.

So, this issue is known ? I parametrized in a wrong way the quad ?

Suggestion ? Asks ?



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  • Paolo-

    I'm not an expert, but I don't thing GPS is used whatsoever in ALT_HOLD mode. Do you have sonar? If so, try without sonar.

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