Alternative to 3DR Pixhawk

I have been using a couple 3DR Pixhawks in my projects and they have been great, however, the customer service and shipping speed from 3DR has been sub-optimal with one unit not shipping for over 3 weeks.

I am currently looking for hardware alternatives. Cost is not the issue, but, reliability and accessibility are very important. I would also prefer to buy from someone who contributes to the Ardupilot project, but, not a requirement if the hardware is of good quality control.

Has anyone used non 3DR Pixhawks/variants that were impressive or reputable?

I really like some of the new options with all the ports on one side, but, not sure of quality control.

Thank you

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  • The HolyBro Pixhawk FC is a good alternative to replace the current 3DR Pixhawk.

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