AltHold Algorithm Bug

Hello Friends

I posted my problems in connection with overshooting in the AltHold mode a few months ago. But nobody really listen... 

Today I did some aerial footage for a commercial. It was windy but I saw no reason to don't start. I waited in the the Loiter Mode until I get the order to fly forward. Suddenly my X8 coax copter nearly did a backflip... I switch immediately to the Stabilize Mode and the multicopter leveled horizontally. After that I landed and finished the drone shots. 

I went home and did a comparison test between the AltHold Mode and the Stabilize Mode. The goal was to fly forward and to slow down the flight speed by push the transmitter stick to the neutral position. So, no aggressive brake maneuver.

Here it is in the AltHold Mode:

And the same maneuver in Stabilze:

You can clearly see a difference between the flight modes. I got this problem also during shoots early this year. We said, it must be the weather conditions, maybe to windy.. But no, in my opinion it's a problem with the AltHold mode and all other modes who relate to them. 

I hope you guys find a solution for this. It's only a matter of time til a multicopter crashes and hopefully nobody get injured...

Thanks a lot


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