
          • No issues with FrSky X8R radio command (the 2.4GHz RC part)

            Just as a precaution the Bluetooth is on left side of a F550 frame and the X8R on right side so about 20cm apart.

    • You can connect multiple devices to the apm telem port but only one will be connected to the tx, rx, power and ground. The rest with only have rx, power and ground.
  • Does anyone have the 2.0.5 version of OpenTX w/ haptic or know where I can find it? 

    • OpenTx 2.0 companion will compile it for you

      I just wish someone would answer my question, this forum is substandard to RCG (functionality and response), a year now and no one has answered any of my posts regarding mostly APM 2.5, :(

      Thanks Rolf and all for your efforts, just still trying to get my teensy working 100%

      • T3

        Install 2.0.5 as that is the last good firmware that didn't mess with some of the device ID's.

        Don't expect people to answer questions from a year ago on a blog post. Go to the forums and if they don't answer there, well, it's either been answered somewhere else or no one knows.

  • I got the teensy3.1 programmed and connected up, results;

    Fuel = OK
    Vspd (but bouncing all over)
    T1 mostly working but sometimes displays wrong info compared to MP, like displays 199 when I have 9 sat and 3D lock.
    T2 = OK
    ALT = -13 (why negitive value?)

    Not working:
    Galt = 0
    HDG = 0
    Lat = 0
    Long = 0
    Current = 0

    Taranis FW is R2751 date 9-1-2013

    Do I need to update Taranis FW to latest openTx, or openTx 2.0 or any other suggestions?

  • Just saw this commit on the ardupilot github repo:

    Frsky on PX4 Telem 2

    Wonder if native S.Port is next...

    • S-port is not easy on a non dedicated hardware as S-port is based on polling and the pixhawk need to answer as fast as possible. D-port was trivial compare to it (and thanks to the existing job done with the px4 driver).

      But yes , I have something working on the bench but .. badly working

      And D-port it still widely used.

      • I'm using the Teensy now and with this code it was working fine with previous OpenTX versions. I'm still looking for a cause of why, since OpenTX 2.05, that "broke" all the Voltage options and reporting on the radio. I believe that some polling addresses might have changed but not sure.

        I've also changed some values that were being collected - like AccXYZ for some thing more useful IMHO like pitch, roll, yaw angles.

        The scripting on the radio allows us to do some interesting things if we have the right data coming from the telemetry.

        something like this would be a nice to have :)


        I believe that one of the hurdles connecting the PixHawk to the X line of receivers was an electrical one ?

    • At the moment is only DBus FrSky.

      There is the problem of physical signaling between a "typical" serial connection as present on the PixHawk and APM and the SPort on X series receivers.

      There is an existing implementation of FrSky telemetry on the PixHawk firmware here:[]=frsky

      I didn't pay much attention to the current commits, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a migration of the existing PixHawk code to ArduPilot.

      With the push of dropping DBus telemetry for the newer SPort I don't see the point of insisting but.....

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