
Hi ya'll,

The thread on my blog post is getting a little unmanageable.  How about we discuss test results here instead...  

I'll also post release notes as new builds are out.  The device must support 'USB host mode' (most devices running android 3.1 or later are fine).  You'll need a 'OTG' adapter such as this

Please post feedback here or on the github issues site - the google play comments are not really useful yet.



Hi ya'll.  Please move further discussion of this app to a newly created group:

Feel free to make new approprately titled discussion threads.  

Future app releases will be announced only there.


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  • Thanks for your hard work

    works like a charm on the Nexus 7

  • I'm not sure if this is the correct place to discuss this, but I'm trying to compile under ubuntu 12

    I can follow the instructions up until here:

    ~/development/arduleader$ git submodule update
    Cloning into 'scandroid'...
    remote: Counting objects: 193, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (59/59), done.
    remote: Total 193 (delta 63), reused 191 (delta 61)
    Receiving objects: 100% (193/193), 348.88 KiB, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (63/63), done.
    fatal: reference is not a tree: 65cd405e566732d37a45a41d174fde8201080696
    Unable to checkout '65cd405e566732d37a45a41d174fde8201080696' in submodule path 'scandroid'

    Everything before this worked.

  • Andropilot is getting better and better. Nice work, Kevin!

    It already can calibrate accels and level. Could you add also a compass calibration sequence? That would be a great help for all the people without laptop!


  • Developer

    John, what type of phone and android version?

  • Hi all,

    Can this BT modul be connected directly to APM?

    Have anyone tried?

    I don't need long distance telemetry.

    Just to set a few things at the field before flight.



  • Hi,

    I just tried Andropilot on my Nexus7 and am really impressed. Please allow me some questions:

    - does it work with APM3.0RCxx?

    - Is it possible to download maps for offline use?



  • Kevin, have you looked at using something like a Moga controller with an android phone running Andropilot as the GCS?

    If the sticks are even remotely usable, it would basically end up being a $25-50 version of the Archos Gamepad, including the possibility of the no-transmitter style flight that is possible with the Archos Gamepad.

  • Has anyone had success getting a Pipo S2 to work with a 3dr radio?

    For the BT connection, I take it you'd need to have the 3dr radio connected to a laptop, then the tablet connected via BT to the laptop?

  • Hi,

    Tested one flight today with my GF Samsung tab 2 + otg + ftdi + XbeePro and Andropilot worked very well. Still waiting update for my samsung galaxy I9070 to get Andropilot working.

    Few things came in my mind:

    • Can you add support for Custom google map tiles similary as there is in MissionPlanner ? GoogleSatellite is bad here
    • Wondering why RC channels and Servo numbering start form 0 ? Should the channel numbers be from 1 to 8 ?
    • Can you make tabs to "rollover" so that from last tab it goes around to first one with one "sweep", same to other direction(from first to last with one sweep ?
    • Would it be hard to add "overlay" items on top of the map? User configurable would be the best, like using osd with possibility to select info.

    Regards Jani

  • How do I prefetch map files?  Or do I require a internet connection out in the field?



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