APM 2.6 gyro roll values reversed after update

Hi all,

I've dug out my quad and updated the firmware, calibrated and was about to go for a flight when I realised the flight planner is reporting the wrong roll values - they are revered e.g. if the quad is facing away from you, and you roll the quad to the right, the mission planner reports it rolling to the left and vica versa.  I thought I was going mental so tried the quad out and it flies this way too.  The strange thing is, it used to work fine and the only change since the last time it flew fine has been the updated firmware.  Does anyone have any ideas?  I'm using the latest firmware (3.1).  Any help would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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  • Same thing here with a new tri copter build. MP shows left tilt when uav tilted right and vice-versa. Anyone figure out what's up?  I've been wanting to get into the Ap code, but I hoped it wouldn't be to fix something I didn't break... ;)

    Is there a way to get an older version via the MP app?

    • Follow up:

      You can upload custom or older builds of APM firmware via MP.  You can see how to activate the "advanced" mode which gives a more options on the firmware screen: http://planner.ardupilot.com/wiki/commonmission-planner-command-lin...  .

      After trying many versions all the way back to 3.0.1, with the same roll reversal problem, I decided to go with the latest and just try to fl it anyway.  Flew fine!  =)  It appears that the roll is only reported wrong via mavlink, and does not affect the flight stabilization code.

      I only tried stabilized and loiter, because I'm not a good pilot...

      Could some one give me a hint as to where to start looking the the APM code to fix the reporting issue?

      BTW, I have an Iris with 3.1.2 which reports the correct roll values... so it appears to be a tri/Y6 version issue.

      • You are seeing it correctly!  This is what is posted by the creators of mission planner!  Would be nice if they would have told us about this change!

        With MAVlink connected, move the APM board and you should see the artificial horizon move accordingly.
        Remember how artificial horizons work: when the aircraft tilts to the right, the horizon tilts to the left. (Just tilt your head and you’ll see what I mean). This is normal! Please don’t tell us it’s reversed ;-)
        In the below example, the quad is tilted a bit to the right.
        Unless you have the GPS module connected, are outside and have GPS lock, the map will not show your current position.

        This was posted in the plane section of:  http://plane.ardupilot.com/wiki/arduplane-setup/first-time-apm-setu...

  • Hi.

    This just happened to me, can't work out why or how to fix it.

    Did you get anywhere with it?



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