
APM Copter 2.9.1.b has been released


APM Copter 2.9.1.b has been released to the Mission Planner and is also posted in the downloads area.
2.9.1b is a maintenance release incorporating changes to 4 default parameters that have been optimized since 2.9.1 was released.  There are also 4 minor bug fixes.  There are no code function changes or additional features.
The changes are:
1) reduce default INS_MPU6K_FILTER to 20hz
2) reduce InertialNav Z-axis time constant to 5 (was 7)
3) increased max InertialNav accel correction to 3 m/s (was 1m/s)
4) reduce yaw_rate P default to 0.20 (was 0.25)
5) bug fix for alt_hold being passed as int16_t to get_throttle_althold_with_slew which might have caused problems if you climbed over 320m.
6) bug fix for throttle after acro flip (was being kept at min throttle if pilot switched out of ACRO mode while inverted)
7) bug fix to acro trainer to do with roll correction 
8) prevent cli from being entered more than 20seconds after reboot.
Users are recommended to:
    Update Mission Planner to 1.2.41 and
    Update their flight code to 2.9.1b from the Firmware tab on Mission Planner. There is no need to go through a new configuration process in the Mission Planner.


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  • I just test it on evening and it still loiter tuning.

  • where can I find the option in the new firmware WP_SPEED?

  • Developer

    A new video, sorry for the poor quality, look at the shadown of the quad to evaluate the maximum radius, obviously considering the height variations.
    There was gusty wind today here, in the park behind my house, the quad has not moved more than 1 meter of radius from the original Loiter point, and height so low does not help!
    Sonar is disabled, sometime i make a little correction in altitude, nothing all.
    The little shaky for now remain, I spoke with Randy Leonard and figuring out how to remove them, i use SimonK ESC's, i wait your feedback.

  • Hi all,

    I have a question about tuning... one more...

    I was still in 2.7 (evrything was tuned ok) and upgraded to 2.9.1b.

    Stable mode is now nearly perfect for me but loiter and alt hold are "shaking" the quad. Loiter stays in a 3-4m box with a bit of wind, which is ok for me, but the shaking is bad for the camera !

    I tried to tame the loiter params but no effect...

    my config is:

    Ifly4 frame with Turnigy Park 450 890kv motors, redbrick 25 esc (not flashed yet...), 10" APC props, apm 2.0 with onboard gps and sonar. Everything is correctly balanced.

    Thanks for your help


  • I'm trying to figure out how to compile 2.9.1.b. When I choose the "master" branch from GitHub, it compiles just fine. Loiter is fabulous too, but apparently the WP Nav is still buggy, so I want to roll back to 2.9.1.b. But after I sync the "ArduCopter-2.9" branch and try to compile again I get all kinds of compile errors, mostly about undeclared variables. I go back to the "master" branch and it compiles fine again.

    I'm using ArduPilot-Arduino-1.0.3-windows to compile.

    Thanks in advance for any advice on getting 2.9.1.b compiled.

  • Have a question, what setting do you change to limit the flight angle in stab mode. The only thing I have found is to use my dual rates. What I am seeing is that with full stick my quad pitches to about 45 degrees. I would like it to stop at about 25 degrees.
    I would like to say that my stab mode feels much better than the Naza on my TBS, & the new "V" configuration works awesome. This is use 2.9.1B am waiting for the new release, as my alt mode is horrible, but I'm sure it will fixed.

  • I just uncommented the quad and X config lines from the latest master and compiled a 235,198 byte binary. I'm used to seeing >250kB or so. Did you guys do some industrial spring cleaning, or do I need to check my Arduino stuff?

  • I'm I the only one with stabilize mode complaints and the awful way it flies?  Does anyone else here like to fly FPV or zip around at full speed flying LoS?  I'm starting to get the impression that most people run waypoints or just play with loiter. 

  • GoodMorning Gentlemen,

    Trying to update to this version, unfortunately I get this message soon after hitting the install button:


    Update failed Das angegebene Argument liegt außerhalb des Gültigen Wertebereichs.

    Parametername: size


    Tried on two computers (64bit and 32bit) both $%&§.

    Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? many thanks



  • i'm having problems where my quad plummets in alt hold(about 5-8 meters) after moving forward (worst when going faster).

    i've already hit the ground as a result of this (from about 7-8 meters) It was not doing this in 2.9.1. what params should i need to look at to fix this?

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