ArduCopter Quad v1.1

Hi all

i have arducopter Quad : V 1.1


The Mission Planer : V 1.0.90

im trying to fly and trying hover the quadcoper like crazily when i try to take off and fail down its like when the gyro set in more sensevety


i connect the quadcopter with Mission Planer (APM PLANNER)

Then go to (Configuration)  -----> AC2


then what should the normally Numbers ??

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  • its the full setup and the frame type (+)

    also the i check the motors connections and directions its okay

    which version you asking about the mission planer or quadcopter ?

  • but i cant fly when i want take of its be like crazly

  • Developer

    everything there looks normal to me. I will be partly intergrating defaults into the planner soon. but getting the defaults is the tricky part.

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