Ardupilot Mega 2.5 Motors spin too slow


If got a problem with my copter since if updated the firmware. Before I updated the firmware everything worked perfectly. Since if updated the firmware the copter, when I raise the throttle all motors start to spin just fine. As I raise the throttle to mid or full throttle the motors just spin a bit faster and the copter doesn't even lift off. I already tried to downgrade to an older firmware but the problem stays the same. The parameters for the maximum motor throttle is set to 1000. 

My configuration is:

Oktocopter X

Ardupilot Mega 2.5

Motor: Turnigy Multistar 2814-700Kv 14Pole Multi-Rotor Outrunner

ESC: Turnigy Multistar 30 Amp Multi-rotor Brushless ESC 2-4S

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  • Hi

    Ive just had the exact same problem. Everything was working fine until I installed the quad firmware for use with the simulator. After reinstalling normal firmware v3.1.5, very little throttle response; same as described by Phillip. I too had Throttle max at 80 after new firmware and changed it to 1000, but no change to throttle. ESCs and radio all recalibrated and still no change. Any help?

    Quad X frame

    Ardupilot Mega 2.5 (Hobbyking version)

    Turnigy Propdrive 28-30s 800kv

    Turnigy Plush 35A ESC

    Any suggestions?

    • Try doing a factory reset from terminal and re-install the firmware. The re-calibrate everything again. 

  • Have you tried recalibrating the ESCs and the radio?

    What firmware are you currently running. 

    There has been cases where upgrading firmware causes the mac throttle value to something very low like 80. Cant remember exactly what the parameter is called though ... I'll have a look when I get home and post an update if I find it. 

    In the meantime, someone with more APM / Arducopter experience might be able to assist in this regard. 

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