Auto takeoff on ArduCopter - How to used it?

Hi guys,

I'm working on my quad and I'm about to use the auto take off and i wandeing if i need place it on the home location? Or after i turn on the Auto mode it will take off to de default alt and goes to the 1st WP?

By the way, just to be sure, to use the auto take off I just need Arm the quad and switch to the Auto mode? Do i have need any precaution (except the safety one for helis),  I mean, some setting on the APM?


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  • Hello. I have the same problem - in auto takeoff copter flips over. Have you resolved the issue? Thanks. 

  • I want to do something like this by andropilot or droidplanner: auto takeoff to 6 meters, altitude hold, manually go forward while on altitude hold, go to waypoint 1, loiter, return to launch. Is this possible?
  • Can you program an auto take off separately from a full auto mission?
  • I just did a simple takeoff and landing.  Once armed, and the copter is on the ground, it will not takeoff unless you give some throttle and make the motors start to spin.  Once they're just barely moving set your mode to auto and it will fly to the altitude you gave it and in my mission, then it will land.  Your home location has no bearing on takeoff or landing.  You takeoff from your current location and you'll land at your current location.  There are GPS entry points in the mavlink commands, but I haven't tried these.


    The switch I flick in my auto mode.  I flip in once to show that nothing happens when the props are not moving, and again with just a small amount of throttle.



    This is the simple test I ran.


    • Is there a way that you can control the auto takeoff speed by chance? When I did an auto takeoff, (similar to what you did in your posted video) two of the propellers went faster than the others and flipped the Quad right over. If there was a way to give my Quad an initial burst of speed to get it up in the air then I doubt it would flip over like that. Any thoughts? 

  • I armed it "Manually"in Auto Mode  using the transmitter but it should be possible using the Mission Planner with a radio link. The mission will auto engage when you start raising the throttle with the Transmitter. I think this is possible from the radio link. 

    However I have to caution you on attempting an auto take off at beginning of a mission. I had done several successful autonomous missions starting from a stable 30 foot hover THEN engaging auto mode using the transmitter multi position switch to engage the planned mission. Next, tried my first auto take off (same session with good GPS lock)  to start the mission the quad took off in fast a low altitude (20') arcing trajectory of about 200' diameter for almost 270 degrees before starting to climb and moving on with the mission at a reasonable altitude of 50'. Scared the crap out of me and I was ready to go manual but was in a wide open area and decided to just watch. 

    I don't know why it did this. My next test will be to have the auto take off mission start with a climb to 50' directly up rather then having the first  waypoint at a distance so the quad can get up away from potential dangers before moving away from take off location. 

    But I have great success with flying in Stabilized mode to hover at safe altitude THEN engaging auto mission through auto landing. 

  • Last time I played with auto-take off, (2.7) you had to arm the copter always.  You can do this manually or you can send the commands via a script, or just code out the arming (not recommended unless you put extra safety controls in place (say a switch on your TX).

    I need to test this again in prep for the Sparkfun AVC, so I'll report back with my 2.9 findings.

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