Bind procedure for Spektrum/DSM satellites

I am looking for guidance on how you would initiate a bind sequence via Mission Planner.  I found a thread for the other firmware version for Pixhawk that mentions there is an option to initiate the bind sequence:

I do not see the associated parameters in Mission Planner though, is this not a capability that is offered within Pixhawk?  If so, it seems pretty short sighted to support using satellites for RX but not allowing binding them.  

I did multiple searches trying to find any existing documentation on this and didn't find any either, did I just miss it?

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  • Please add Spektrum Satelite Bind Support to Arducopter/PixHawk, it would greatly simplify things.


  • Hi Russel,

    Please go here, it couldn't be simpler:

    But basically all it says is: If you already have a regular receiver hook up your satellite to it and bind your receiver like you normally do.

    Then set the receiver aside and just hook up your satellite to your vehicle.

    If you don't have a receiver you can use for binding just go to the page I referenced and go to the PX4 page link.

    • Thanks for the info, in my case I do not have a receiver to use for the binding process and only have the standalone satellite.  Was hoping to avoid having to buy a full RX. 

      When attempting to run the commands from the terminal (as referenced in Gary's link) I am not seeing the commands referenced as being relevant to Arducopter 3.1.1, is this command set only available when using PX4fmu firmware rathe than ArduCopter?  ArduCopters only gives logs, setup, test and reboot as valid commands...and I within each of those I didn't see options for bind either.  It doesn't appear that ArduCopter has a parameter for RC_DSM_BIND

  • Admin


    I assume that you have a Spektrum Remote Receiver and do not have a standalone Spektrum Receiver you can use to bind the Remote Receiver to your Spektrum R/C transmitter?

    I bind my Remote Receiver to my R/C transmitter by attaching the Remote Receiver to a standalone Receiver and then binding both to my R/C transmitter. Works quite well.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

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