
  • Do you have original AlexMos board? where did you order it?

    here is list of official sellers

    • I'll plead the 5th on that one.

      I have two or three knobs on my T9X, but I have done some channel mixing for flight mode selection.

  • Ken...please watch this video...there is more than one thing you need to adjust before gimbal will work properly..

    but all information you need is on first page of this thread.

    all diagrams of connections,softwere and firmwere download..etc..if you don't want to read,just watch few step by step videos..

    • This is good stuff! I guess using a spare channel on the RC TX would be sufficient to control pitch.

      • exactly...if you have knob on your transmitter use that channel(usually 6)

        connect only signal and ground wire

  • Hi Guys, I don't want to hijack this thread but I too am having issues with my Alexmos, on a Legacy Custom brushless gimbal, with Sony Nex 7. Everything appears ok in flight when going forward and back, and up and down, but when I change direction quickly, mainly to the sides, I get a kick in the gimbal.

    Everything is balanced before power up, (I have checked with a level) and it appears to be perfectly balanced, so unsure what my problem is now. 

    In Simple BGC the power options are 0-255. Last night I was up at 220, and was still seeing this sort of kick in the gimbal upon direction change.
    Anyone else seen this with their setup???

    • Not a hijack at all. Let's hear it all! I need to hear anything anyone has to say about this.

      • Thanks Ken, I am sitting messing with it now. I am unsure though how much me lifting and moving is really representative of in flight. Think I had my P (in PID) settings too high last night as their is noticeable vibration in my footage. I am uploading to Youtube just now, when it finishes I'll add the link so you can see, although I have  edited out the majority of bad wobbles.

        • Looking forward to seeing yours all up and running. I hope to get some time to mess with mine too.

          Where did you connect the BGC to APM? I am running APM 2.6 on this build BTW.

          • And for the beginning I suggest do not connect BGC to APM,i had 1 or 2 crash bcs of that...

            AlexMos gimbal works well alone,

            better pay attention to IMU 6 side calibration and to balance gimbal WITH camera on all 3 axis

            You can control Pitch if you connect one of your receiver channels....

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