I am almost ready to test this rig (see pics) but I do NOT have a cable to go to the Canon S100 into the PixHawk.
I have some wiring from another project:
• BEC Input 5a to 25a | Output 3z to 5a
• Mini USB
• PixHawk cable that came with unit
I think I can make a cable to trigger the camera, but don't want to fry anything.
Can anyone guide me through this? Do I have the right stuff?
Any help would be great.
Here is the cable all soldered up. I am unsure where the power lead in this configuration plugs into on the Iris (Pixhawk) I am guessing that an open channel can be used for the signal cable?
My bad again, I overlooked the part about having to supply 5V to the servo rail with an external BEC. Its no wonder I couldn't get anything out of servo.
For the cable I used a right angle mini from Amazon because it is easy to tape down, and I just soldered brown (on the JR) to black and yellow to red.
I still haven't had a chance to fly it.
Also, I bought Ian Soler's (Imp Concepts) mount, and I'm still trying to figure out how to retract the lens before landing.
Did you get it to work?
waiting for the top part...
please let me know if you get it to work