Camera Gimbal points directly down while performing ROI

Hello,  My apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong section.  I am very new to Ardupilot and to this forum.  I recently purchased the 3DR Y6 RTF with Pixhawk.  I love it so far.  I recently upgraded the firmware to 3.2 rc14 in order to utilize some of the functions that didn't work in v 3.1.5 (ROI, Follow me, Spline waypoints, etc), all of which seem to work really well now.  There is one issue that I am stuck on.  I have mounted my Walkera 2 axis gimbal (yes I know it's not exactly high quality) on the copter, and for the most part it works well with the channel 6 control knob.  However, as soon as i use the ROI feature, it points straight to the ground throughout the rest of the mission. 

Does anyone know what might be going on here?  any thoughts on how I might fix this issue?  Is this a bug in the firmware, or just  incompatibility with the gimbal itself (remember, it works fine the rest of the time)?

Is there any way to retain manual pitch control while the copter is in ROI mode?


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  • Marc,  Thanks so much for your input.  I have been playing with some of the angle adjustments in mission planner and the reverse switch, and I am pretty close to having it set just right.  Can you tell me what you Angle limits and servo limits are set to??

    • Hello,

      Angle and servo limits are default. As I have a Brushless Gimball I didn't change settings (except Reverse).

      I adjusted gimbal course with endpoint on the Tx (camera looking down when Rotary knob 6 is at max)


      RMK: it is my first flight with camera looking in the right direction.

      • So I spent the last two evenings testing this out in Mission Planner.  I have managed to find a solution to my problem, and have successfully tested the ROI feature and the gimbal appeared to work great.  I realize Marc that you mentioned that the Angle Limits should stay at default as the gimbals are brushless, but I found that setting the Angle values at Min -60 and Max 60, and reversing the control (as you mentioned), did the trick.  I'm not exactly sure why this worked, but it did.  Problem solved!

        • Thanks for the tip,


  • Hello,

    I had three flights with ROI mode. I have a small Gopro brushless gimbal with 2 axis Alexmo. As you I have Tilt control with Channel 6 rotary knob.

    First you have to check in Mission Planner the relative altitude of your ROI point. By default it is 100 meters. For my flight I set it to 5 meters. Flight altitude for the navigation is 20 meters.

    If your POI is 100 m hight and Apm tilt command is reversed... It will look the ground. Look at your log (servo data) and check the value of tilt servo when AutoNavigation is On. 

    First flight, tilt move was reversed, looked towards sky when flying above POI. So I went back to the APM Planner and reversed the Tilt movement. 

    Today I had another try  and Tilt is moving in the right direction except manual tilt from the transmitter is now reversed... Forgot to make the modification.

    Firmware is 3.2 rc12.


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