Hi there ,

I've attached the compass to the quad as the image below show (APM points forwards - between yellow arms). and the compass is Rotation_Roll_180.

When I'm calibrating the compass I keep getting reversed results (North shows South).
I've tried rotation none , yaw 180 , rotation_pitch_180 without luck.

1. Does this affect loiter mode ? Alt hold works fine , loiter and RTL don't work well , quad drift and fly somewhere it shouldnt.

2. What can I do in order to get good results from compass ?

Attached image how I mount my Ublox.


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                  • u can do calibration inside but to test feature related to GPS u need to place the quad outside....

                • How I check sensors calibrated ?

                  I did compass calibration , radio calibration.

                  Just tested , I think loiter was ok - It lost some ALT and made small crush on ground.

                  LTR didn't work.. quad ascended and flew away from "home". I cut the throttle and it crushed... now I'm looking for some spare parts (my GPS cable is torn.. no idea where to get replacement)


                  • Sorry about that Eran. Steep learning curve here. You will get the hang of it. I recommend that you get comfortable flying in stabilize before testing any GPS functions. Stabilize is really your manual failsafe. anytime my quad misbehaves when flying with GPS (loiter, RTL, auto), I can quickly switch it back to stabilize and bring it home, assuming i still have line of sight.

                  • from APM mission planner teminal tab u can check the sensors by typing simple commands.....connect and type help u can see several options... to stabilize the quad first try position hold because it is a semi autonomus mode... u can control the throttle at that moment... after successful position hold may try loiter.. If you compass and GPS is working proprly then RTL should work...

  • The compass right now is facing that the YELLOW legs is the direction of your quad, so try Yaw 90 Yaw 145 , Yaw 180 etc.  

    Only use the YAW ones not roll or pitch.

    • After each YAW do I need to do calibration again ?

  • the roations_roll_180 is (semi) specific to the 3DR GPS/compass module. 

    it appears that your compass chip is on top of your GPS/compass board - in which case, you would not want roll_180. Usually the z-axis is directed out the top of the chip.

    The other possibility is electro-magnetic noise affecting your compass readings. you may need to elevate your compass further away from your power distribution.

    • My power distribution is below the APM (I use QBrain) I don't believe it affect the Compass (see image).

      How do I know what is the correct orientation of the compass to mount ?


      • On my copter, my GPS/compass is 6/7 cm above my power distribution and is shielded by a ground plane directly underneath the GPS/compass.

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