Hi All,

I have a PX4FMU and PX4IO board running the Arducopter V2.9.1b Quad firmware. I am trying to add a Maxbotix XL-EZ4 sonar (http://www.maxbotix.com/Ultrasonic_Sensors/MB1240.htm).

The instructions here (http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/sonar/) say to connect the XL-EZ4's analog output to one of three pins on the PX4FMU+IO and set the SONAR_PIN parameter accordingly in Mission Planner.

However, I can't seem to find the SONAR_PIN parameter in Mission Planner (I see SONAR_ENABLE, SONAR_GAIN, and SONAR_TYPE).

Running the "sonar" test program from the command line interface constantly shows a measurement of 20cm, so the sonar is definitely not being read. 

Am I missing something, or is there another way to set the sonar pin?

Thank you in advance!

- Harihar

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  • I have the same problem, somebody can help as?

    The only difference is that I have arducopter version is 3.1.4, I am using pin 11 on px4io


  • I'm having the same problem, has this been solved?

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