Connecting a new ArduPilot Mega 2.0


I've just received my new APM 2.0 autopilot and would like to know how to properly connect it. I've read the Quick Installation Guide on Wiki but I still am not quite sure how to go about it.

I've installed the Mission Planner as has been written in the Guide. When I connect the autpilot with the USB cable there are 4 LEDs that are constantly blinking. On the GPS module there is one blue that says 3DFIX (I'm guessing this one stops blinking when GPS gets a lock on the signal. There are 3 other LEDS for which I haven't found anything in the guide. The other 3 are marked as A,B and C. It is blinking with the combinations C&A (together) to  only B. What does that mean?

Also, what are those components in the bag used for?


Thanks for answers,


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