Crash with Tri-Copter... Very strange

Running 2.5 with uBlox 2.9.1.... Really works well.... Loiter is Always <3 feet...

Its so reliable, when I put it in Loiter I look away and plan a mission or go inside the house…


This time I put in Loiter at time index 83% and walked away….  Then I hear it fly into the tree…


The tlog attached, shows, it knew it was moving to the tree…the distance to WP increased

Slowly to 5 meters then reset to 0, then keep going to the west… The GPS was %100 right on

Because that’s where I found it… under the tree…


So the question.. The APM knew where it was… It was in loiter the whole time… and still drifted 80 feet…

Can someone look at the tlog and see if I am reading it correctly…


Btw… the tri-copter is very small cheap… not a real problem to fix…. But loiter must be %100

Before I send my gas powered hex up for over 1 hour….



Eddie Weeks


2013-02-26 23-34-42.tlog

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  • Has anyone looked at these logs... ?


    Eddie Weeks

    Aerial Imagery
    Aerial Photography Louisiana

    Well it did it again... Different copter...  See attached tlog...

    at 76%... go into loiter...

    at 92%... It flies off...  but it knew where it was...


    no change in input 1 or input 2.... no change in output 1 or 2...  untill I took over...


    The GPS working properly on the whole time because that is exactly where it went...

    Dist to WP was zero as it flew off...  whats up with that.. ?


    Eddie Weeks


    2013-02-28 21-24-58.tlog

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