
      • Beta is a beta. My drone seems to work OK with it, mostly, but I only flew it 4 times on it so far, too busy with work. So, be careful, it you decide to use it.

  • When in doubt, go UP!

    Oh, and have one switch (stab) without Simple/Super Simple enabled. 

  • When learning to fly my Y6 I used to get out of trouble by flipping the loiter switch, reorienting and then carrying on.

    Hyper bright LEDs mounted on the arms and "tail" are VERY useful.

    Learn to fly in Stabilize mode - once you have it nailed you won't have problems. It's worth a few broken blades!

    Enable the geo fence especially if flying in a new area.

  • -I put a super bright flashing red LED on the front of my quad. It helps tremendously with orientation.
    -set stabilize mode on your TX on one toggle switch and remember it and never change it! Even if you have more than one modle make it the same on all modles so you don’t have to think about it. I set mine back towards me. In a panic situation it's easier to click a switch back to you. Don't put it in the middle of a three way switch it's harder to get right when you need it fast.
    -Keep in mind you can always disengage the controller taking over IF you flip your mode switch. For instance if the copter seems to be losing altitude it could be trigger by a temporary error and set itself into land mode. Simply flip your mode switch then back to stab and take over.  Remember if it doesn’t seem to be reacting to your stick commands it’s probably in some form of guided mode. Take control back by doing the above and get it back or landed asap to see what the problem was.  
    -I do not set up battery fail safe instead I have verbal telemetry so I know when it's time to land. If you have RTL set on battery FS and a 25M or higher altitude set AND the ridiculously slow default descent rate sent you are almost guaranteeing your gonna run out of bat life before it lands. If you want to use bat FS make sure you FS voltage is set high enough and might want to increase the desert rate.
    -Set your yaw behavior to follow the gps course. If you ever lose orientation you can hit RTL. If you are having poor gps or bad hdop this will at least probably get the copter aimed back towards you. Now flip it back to alt hold or stab or alt hold and push the stick forward to fly back to you without needing gps. 
    - Pay very close attention to detail with the wiring. More than once I had issues that turned out to be a bad wire probably because it simply got tugged on a bit during handling. Make them as neat as possible and protected as best you can. I don't use the I2C splitter for anything  it's just too many extra connections and possible problems. 
    -But #1 is don't just start flipping switches. Tell yourself over and over 'Stab mode 3/4 throttle ... stab mode 3/4 throttle... 
  • Install a high current, solid state switch between your battery and your ESC's.  (BL-SMART70SW from Blue Light Technologies)  This switch can be operated remotely.  If the flight controller becomes unresponsive, kill power to the motors via your TX.  Then it does not matter what the flight controller tells the multirotor to do.  It will fall from the sky.  It is best to tie the switch trigger to a chute to slow your descent.  I have my fixed wing Skywalker setup this way.


  • Forget Ardu, IRIS and APM.

    • Meaning?????

  • Go to arducopter site and follow each step being sure not to skip a single one. Is a good start.

  • There is no such thing as 100% perfection. Anything can malfunction.  What you can do is be diligent to things you can screw up. 

    • First of all, never disable the pre-arm checks.
    • I also always have a laptop or tablet connected to verify the GPS is where it thinks it is on the map before taking off.
    • When I take off, I move around in all directions to make sure it moves as intended.
    • Then I will flip to loiter and make sure it stays put.
    • Then I will flip to RTL and make sure it moves over the home location and begins to land.
    • At that point, I generally assume the GPS and home location are good to go.
    • Exactly the same checks i do. I also turn my rc controller off and make it switches to RTL. Procedures and checks are what will save you, just like when operating real aircraft.
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