
  • Also, you can forward NMEA data my using CTRL+G.

  • This caught my attention.  Are you saying that if I had an internet connection on my laptop, I could link my laptop Mission Planner to another instance of mission planner on another computer over the LAN/WAN?  Would the other station have full control?

    • That's an interesting thought; I'm not sure if it would work.  We were forwarding the mavlink stream from several systems to a remote computer which combined the data with other systems like ADSB.  The result was a single map with the real-time position of all aircraft (manned and unmanned) in our vicinity.

      • @Cody: How did you combine MAVLINK with ADSB to see manned and unmanned aircrafts?

        • I think the other team was using software made by Simulyze.

  • Thanks, that did the trick!  We used a virtual COM to UDP utility to push the data out across the internet.  An observer in Washington DC was able to watch our rover in real time operating in the Georgia wilderness.

  • You can try this by pressing CTRL+F and click "MAVLINK" button :)

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