

I find following image in the documentation confusing.. 


If i understand correctly this is the view from the bottom. with this pin connection configuration, I find impossible to achieve a configuration given in the following image..


I'm assuming that this image is viewed from the top. 

Now, if the PDB pin configuration by interchanging 3 and 4 we can get the above image configuration w/o an issue. 

Am I missing something obvious. Any help highly appreciated.

best regards,


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  • Japi, you're absolutely right, that image was wrong! I'm sorry it caused you trouble for your build. We've made the correction in the manual, thanks for pointing it out!

  • The 3DR documentation is really confusing!

    No matter how the orientation of the PDB is. Just stick to the wire colors! I fumbled around in Photoshop a bit:

    3692319138?profile=originalBut what I really hated about the documentation: it wants you to feed the motor cables thru the arms in the end, when the arms are screwed to the plates! NO! It is a real pain to get these 3 long wires thru the arms with screws in it and you can't get them out at the ends. Please! Motor cables first!!!

    hope this helps...


  • Hi,

    I assembled my PDB following an older version of Assembly Instructions. The older version of the Assembly Instructions was a) different or b) I followed the instructions wrong because during a rebuild, I noticed that the wires from pin 3 and 4 are reversed on my PDB.

    Here is a picture of my PDB:3692315824?profile=original

    This configuration matches the documentation for the original PDB:


    The first picture posted by the OP (part of the current version of the Assembly Instructions) seems to reverse pin 3&4 (or F&B)

    My Quad flies well in stable, alt_hold and loiter modes.

    I conclude that a) the reversal of pin 3 and 4 has little to no affect on the normal operation of the copter or b) the picture in the current version of the Assembly Instructions (the first picture posted by the OP) is wrong.



  • Japi,

    I had the same problems with the documentation and posted my findings in this post:

    I was really surprised that no one commented on them. I was hoping that some folks from the DIY Drones store would reply and possibly incorporate some of my suggestions into future builds. I think that labeling the PDB with the channel numbers would go a long way towards fixing this problem.

    In any case, after you have it all put together, you will need to conduct the test where you have quad with motors spinning and see if it provides the correct responses. I found that I couldn't hear the difference in motor speeds accurately enough to verify phasing, but with the props on, I was able to check everything out. Just be careful that you don't hurt yourself with this test.

    Good luck,


  • Moderator

    BTW, I'm referring document.
This reply was deleted.


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