FrSky 8XR interference with GPS ?...!

I just saw these posts on RC Groups:

This looks like it could be serious but could go undetected unless the Hdop is checked before /during each flight.

I have been using 8XR's since I switched to Taranis from Spektrum radio last year.

I can not say for sure if I have experienced the issue for first hand, as this does NOT completely knock out the GPS just a momentary loss/glitch or higher Hdop...

It looks like its worth experimenting with other Rx's (I have an orange Tx module for the Taranis) and monitoring the Hdop. It appears (from what I have read..) it is the Tx side of 8XR that causes the GPS glitch. It might be worth trying non-telemetry enabled Rx's from FrSky.

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  • Simple demonstration video about the effect of electromagnetic interference (EMI) of the FrSky telemetry receivers on the reception of the signal from the GPS satellite. That test was made with a D8R-XP telemetry receiver but I think that could be the same problem. You can see the shielding efect of a simple antistatic bag improving signal reception. Obviously, the best solution is to keep your GPS antenna as far as possible from any EMI source but shielding them is a good thing to have in mind.

  • I have several multirotors using APM, Pixhawk and Vector all with D4R-II receivers (they output 8 channels in PPM mode) and they all have fine GPS performance.  Separation between the GPS and receiver antennas is on the order of 6-8 inches on all of those models.

    They all use A2 telemetry for the flight battery so they are transmitting.

    I have a few X8Rs but frankly I've never used one since the D4R-IIs are so much smaller, lighter and have built-in A2 support so they only need a simple voltage divider for main battery monitoring.

    If the X8R really causes you issues, I recommend you try a D4R-II.

  • @keyvan R
    Did you find out any more information on this?

    I have the same gear and haven't noticed anything but also have not done any specific tests.
  • Well I have just started using ArduPilot with gps/compass on a mast this last week for the first time with a Tricopter.

    I previously used the kk2 board but needed gps as I lost model a few times, was found but not something I want to repeat.

    Not sure what HDOP is considered acceptable, but I am getting 1.91, max was 2.01 I think, and sometimes its lower at 1.40ish.

    NSats 10 most of the time.

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