GPS Failsafe missing from Standard Params.

In beta versions of MP I can't find the GPS Glitch parameter in the Standard Params list where it has been in the past. In the FPL the parameter is listed but without setting options/explanation. Is this changed for a reason?

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  • Thanks for the response.

    Sorry for being a bit thick but I don't understand what "this parameter is depreciated in master" actually means. The information about the parameter used to be there and now it's not. Is that a permanent situation or just a function of the version of MP being still beta? Or does it mean that the functionality is or has been changed in the firmware? Will the GPS Glitch function still operate as it has before or are there changes to it?

    • Developer

      >>>what "this parameter is depreciated in master" actually means. 

      That mean that particular parameter has been replaced in the upcoming version of copter.

      >>>The information about the parameter used to be there and now it's not. Is that a permanent situation or just a function of the version of MP being still beta?

      It is permanent situation and not related to the Mission Planner version

      We do not store parameter descriptions on the autopilot because they would take up too much memory.  Instead the various GCS programs download a file with all the current parameter descriptions, units, and valid ranges.  Because of the way that we generate that file only the parameters that are in Master (i.e. the not released version of the code that we are currently working on.)  We don't generally remove parameters so it is not normally a problem but sometimes, like now, a parameter that is currently in use will disappear from that list.

      This is a limitation of the way we create the descriptions and at the moment there is no fix for it and no fix planned. (maybe sometime later in the year.  Unless you are interested in fixing it and then we are always looking for help)

      >>>Or does it mean that the functionality is or has been changed in the firmware? 

      The GPS Glitch function will still operate as it did before in the version of Copter that you are flying.  The functionality has been altered for the next release.

      >>>Will the GPS Glitch function still operate as it has before or are there changes to it?

        It will be replaced by an equivalent parameter with a slightly different name for the next release

  • Developer

    The parameter is depreciated in Master which is where the Ground control stations pick up the descriptions from.  The only place it will show is in the Full Parameters list and there will be no description available.

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