GPS trigger for GoPro???

Hi everyone,

I am very new to the Drone/UAV world and am slowly learning. Our goal is to use our RTF X8, with px4, and a gimbal+GoPro camera to be able to take aerial photographs that we can then create mosaics from. I have been playing around with the MP's survey autopilot program, which looks like it will work great for us.

However, I do not understand how the GoPro is supposed to be triggered to take a photo????

I was planning on using the "CAM_TRIG_DIST" command this correct? I have been scouring the forums and online with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Go Pro can take photos at set interval

    • "CAM_TRIG_DIST" should be used together with kind of a trigger for GOPRO.  Maybe a modification on the GOPRO's WIFI controller is the best way, another option is add a servo to push the trigger on GOPRO.


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