Help - FatShark 600TVL CMOS camera - MinimOSD problem

Anyone had a problem with this camera, where the video signal comes through without the digital overlay?  But then when I jiggle the camera - I have no video signal but I CAN see the digital readout of the OSD.  Problem is I can't get both the digital overlay and the video signal at the same time.  Please respond if you have had this problem or you have an idea on how to fix it.   Thanks in advance for your help.

The camera has 3 pin connections video, ground and 5v pwr.  The video  V/Tx is ImmersionRC 600 mW 5.8 Ghz.   I have 12 v pwr on one side of the minimOSD and 5v on the other side through the 2.5 APM.

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  • I struggled with this same issue, but after pulling the NTSC/PAL jumper on the camera and putting it back on my set up works no matter what I do. I can make my camera NTSC or PAL and set my MinumOSD to NTSC or PAL all day and nothing changes. 

    The only issue I struggle with that my pictures is not very clear and I get the white blur behind the overlay text. I have tried everything in the minumOSD wiki and forums...nothing helped. 

    - FatShark 250 mw transmitter

    - FatShark 600TVL camera

    - MinumOSD

    - 3dr Y6 (stock set up)

    • I turned down the brightness in the GUI and that got rid of the white strips behind the text.

  • Thanks for quite reply. The wiring makes sense now to me. But I wonder more about the voltage part. Do you have the answer to it? 

    • I've run my batteries as far down as 11.1v (3.7/cell), and the OSD still works fine.  I don't think there will be a problem with 10.5, but I'm not sure since I don't run my batteries down that far.

  • Hi guys. I am planning to get the same setup but I wonder do you power it? I cannot image that you have external 12V battery just for the FPV camea. I have 3DR power module and a 3S Lipo battery which gives me out 11.1 volt nominal voltage and I use to drain the battery it to 10.5 Volt. At least that's what I have batery failsafe set to.

    Can I power this setup with my 3S Lipo and will it work when it is down to 10.5 Volt?

    • What I've done is create my own custom wiring from servo cables.  The 12v power and ground flows from battery -> MinimOSD -> transmitter.  I've soldered up a splitter off the XT60 battery connection, so that one set powers the APM/Pixhawk, and one set goes to the MinimOSD.

      12v/ground from battery -> MinimOSD (12v in/ground)

      Video from camera -> MinimOSD

      12v/ground/video from MinimOSD -> transmitter

      5v/ground from transmitter -> Camera

      And then of course you have the 3 wires from APM/Pixhawk telemetry into the MinimOSD.

  • I struggled with exact same problem for two days.  I have the FatShark 600TVL with the ImmersionRC 600 mW 5.8 Ghz and the MinimOSD.  Same wiring 5v from fatshark to camera.  12v powering both the ImmersionRC and the MinimOSD.  I found your post - looked for a switch and found a jumper on the camera labled PAL / NTSC.  I removed to jumper and bingo it works.  Thanks!

  • Nevermind.   My setting on the minimOSD was NTSC and the switch on the camera was PAL.  Once I switched the camera to NTSC - the problem was solved.

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