
I really need your support in order to finish my UAV for survey purposes.

The setup is:

  • 3DR Pixhawk with Arducopter 3.3
  • Seagull #REC to control camera from GCS
  • Sony RX-100 IV camera
  • Walkera G-3S gimbal
  • Tarot X960 frame
  • Taranis TX with X8R RX

I need to setup the Pixhawk in order to:

  1. Automatically trigger camera with the correct overlap related to the altitude (AGL)
  2. Record a time-synched GPS log in order to precisely geolocate each shot in Photoscan Pro or Pix4D (I should extract the time when the Pixhawk triggered the camera and match this informations with the photos acquired)

Could you please help me to solve this issue?

Thanks to all the folks that will help!

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  • An update for all the folks with the same issue:

    If you use a Mac with emulation software to boot Windows OS (like me with Parallels 11), DO NOT use Windows 10, but use instead Windows 8.1.

    I installed 8.1 in Parallels and then installed Mission Planner from Arducopter Wiki (here the link). Now I can find the hidden window using the shortcut CTRL+F.

    I'm going to make some fixes to the copter then I will try to install the gimbal. Keep you updated.

  • Thanks, yes it's perfect but now I posted in that thread because I cannot open the hidden window using ctrl+F.

    Thanks again.

  • It is in there, little bit hidden though:


    That should do it

  • I noticed that there is no information about what file to get from the Pixhawk and how to match the geographic informations with the photos (which software, considering that I have Photoscan Pro).

    Please let me know if you have an answer.

    Thank you for the support.

  • I'm going right now. Thanks.

  • Just take a look here: http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-3d-mapping.html

    There is all you asked for

    3d Mapping — Copter documentation
This reply was deleted.


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