Hexacopter Calibration Gone Wrong..

A few weeks back (maybe even a month by now) I embarked on the journey of building my very own hexacopter..but sadly I have run into a number of problems that I can not figure out.  

My latest problem (hopefully my last) is that not all my blades start spinning at the same time.  Current three of the 6 start spinning around 40% power and then around 60-70% another 3 kick in.  This is obviously a very big problem and I have gone through many posts looking for a solution to this issue.  I have tired manually re-calibrating all my ESC's and have even replaced a few because at the time I thought they were broken.  I have now realized they aren't broken its just me messing them up somehow.  I'm running turnigy plush 30a ESC's (6) by the way.  My battery isn't dead and my board is fine along with the cables.  Motors work fine too so the problem must lay within the ESC's calibration system.  Even with a background of computer building and repair this one has got my confused.  If anyone can solve my calibration problem please feel free to respond and I will respond back promptly to any questions.    

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  • Are you calibrating the ESC's one at a time? or all together? What radio are you using?

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