How to check GPS aware flight modes ?

Is there any way, to test Loiter, RTL, Auto modes without flying ?

I've tested Stabilize, Alt-hold and Land modes, and they are working well. But when I switched to loiter, my copter tried to run-away very fast.

I'm afraid to make it again, so I'd like to test it in more safe way.

Additionally, I see that my copter is very sensitive to stick moves, even if they are in Expo mode.

Are there any configuration parameters, to decrease the horizontal speed ?

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  • Hi

    Did you work out an answer to your problem?

    I have my new quadcopter flying OK in stabilise mode. It has 4 x 300w motors so created a few scares until I lowered Rate P to .09.

    I thought I would try out the Loiter mode. Hovering at 1m, flick switch to Loiter mode and the quad headed for the stars at great speed.

    Sounds like I should have tried altitude hold mode first.

    What should I have done to avoid that scary Loiter experiment?


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