How to get my magnetic declination?


First of all, that's my first post and first multi-rotor (DIY Drones hexa).


I have my hexa almost done and i'm testing sensors and finishing build. The thing is that magnetic-declination site is offline and i don't know how to get my magnetic declination to setup my compass. It's really necessary? 


Another question: to read my pack voltage (not current), do i need something else (than standard) or any connection to get this working? Or just configuration? I'm wasking this because i have voltage enabled, but showed voltage is very different from my battery pack. Also, i know that if i wanna to read current, i need an extra sensor and to read each battery cell, i need to use resistors and a cable from each cell to my board.....but that's not the case for now.


and last: any tips for my first fly? :) I'll try today, i hope.

Everything looks fine on tests.

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